ImageColor Module ################# :doc:, Normally, you don't have to use this module explicitly. For example, these are identical: .. list-table:: * - :: from PIL import Image img ="RGB", (32, 32), "lightgrey") - :: from PIL import Image, ImageColor img ="RGB", (32, 32), ImageColor.getrgb("lightgrey")) * - :: from PIL import Image img ="RGB", (32, 32), "#add8e6") - :: from PIL import Image, ImageColor img ="RGB", (32, 32), ImageColor.getrgb("#add8e6")) * - :: from PIL import Image, ImageColor img ="RGB", (32, 32), "rgb(173, 216, 230)") - :: from PIL import Image, ImageColor img ="RGB", (32, 32), ImageColor.getrgb("rgb(173, 216, 230)")) Of course if you have a rgb tuple itself (or an integer for grayscale), you can use it and it doesn't spend any extra cost: :: from PIL import Image img ="RGB", (32, 32), (173, 216, 230)) :: from PIL import Image img ="L", (32, 32), 255) but you can not always so, for example when the color value comes from external or you have any reason to use HSL(, etc). Wherever the color value is needed, you can use the string formats supported by ImageColor module: * Hexadecimal color specifiers, given as :code:`#rgb` or :code:`#rrggbb`. :: from PIL import Image, ImageDraw img ="RGB", (32, 32)) dctx = ImageDraw.Draw(img) dctx.rectangle((8, 8, 16, 16), fill="#ddddff") * RGB functions, given as :code:`rgb(red, green, blue)` where the color values are integers in the range 0 to 255. :: from PIL import Image, ImageDraw img ="RGB", (32, 32)) dctx = ImageDraw.Draw(img) dctx.ellipse((8, 8, 16, 16), fill="rgb(255, 128, 255)") Alternatively, the color values can be given as three percentages (0% to 100%). :: from PIL import Image, ImageDraw img ="RGB", (32, 32)) dctx = ImageDraw.Draw(img) dctx.ellipse((8, 8, 16, 16), outline="rgb(10%, 100%, 50%)") * Hue-Saturation-Lightness (HSL) functions, given as :code:`hsl(hue, saturation%, lightness%)` where hue is the color given as an angle between 0 and 360 (red=0, green=120, blue=240), saturation is a value between 0% and 100% (gray=0%, full color=100%), and lightness is a value between 0% and 100% (black=0%, normal=50%, white=100%). :: from PIL import Image, ImageDraw img ="RGB", (32, 32)) dctx = ImageDraw.Draw(img) dctx.ellipse((8, 8, 16, 16), fill="hsl(0, 100%, 50%)") # pure red * Common HTML color names. :: from PIL import Image img ="RGB", (32, 32), "skyblue") ImageColor module has no support for `YIQ `_ and `HSV `_, but note that you can use `colorsys `_ module of standard library: :: import colorsys from PIL import Image clr = tuple(map(lambda c: int(c * 255), colorsys.yiq_to_rgb(0.65, 0.3, 0.1))) img ="RGB", (32, 32), clr) getrgb, getcolor, colormap ************************** .. code-block:: pycon >>> from PIL import ImageColor >>> >>> ImageColor.getrgb("orange") (255, 165, 0) >>> ImageColor.getcolor("orange", "RGB") (255, 165, 0) >>> ImageColor.getcolor("orange", "RGBA") (255, 165, 0, 255) >>> ImageColor.getcolor("orange", "L") 173 >>> len(ImageColor.colormap) 148 >>> list(sorted(ImageColor.colormap.items()))[:2] [('aliceblue', '#f0f8ff'), ('antiquewhite', '#faebd7')] .. list-table:: :widths: 20 10 * - .. literalinclude:: _static/exams/ - | | `result <_static/exams/result/ImageColor_01.html>`_