(ffmpeg-utils)2.7. Syntax | Color¶
- doc
Official documentation says:
It can be the name of a color as defined below (case insensitive match) or a
sequence, possibly followed by@
and a string representing the alpha component.The alpha component may be a string composed by
followed by an hexadecimal number or a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0, which represents the opacity value (0x00
means completely transparent,0xff
completely opaque). If the alpha component is not specified then0xff
is assumed.The string
will result in a random color.
#! /bin/sh
# specifying color with "0xRRGGBB"
ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vf "
" -f matroska - | ffplay -
#! /bin/sh
# specifying color with "#RRGGBB"
ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vf "
" -f matroska - | ffplay -
#! /bin/sh
# specifying color with "0xRRGGBBAA"
ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vf "
" -f matroska - | ffplay -
#! /bin/sh
# specifying color with "0xRRGGBB@alpha"
ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vf "
" -f matroska - | ffplay -
#! /bin/sh
# specifying color with named color followed by "@alpha"
ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vf "
" -f matroska - | ffplay -
named colors¶
AliceBlue |
0xF0F8FF |
AntiqueWhite |
0xFAEBD7 |
Aqua |
0x00FFFF |
Aquamarine |
0x7FFFD4 |
Azure |
0xF0FFFF |
Beige |
0xF5F5DC |
Bisque |
0xFFE4C4 |
Black |
0x000000 |
BlanchedAlmond |
Blue |
0x0000FF |
BlueViolet |
0x8A2BE2 |
Brown |
0xA52A2A |
BurlyWood |
0xDEB887 |
CadetBlue |
0x5F9EA0 |
Chartreuse |
0x7FFF00 |
Chocolate |
0xD2691E |
Coral |
0xFF7F50 |
CornflowerBlue |
0x6495ED |
Cornsilk |
0xFFF8DC |
Crimson |
0xDC143C |
Cyan |
0x00FFFF |
DarkBlue |
0x00008B |
DarkCyan |
0x008B8B |
DarkGoldenRod |
0xB8860B |
DarkGray |
0xA9A9A9 |
DarkGreen |
0x006400 |
DarkKhaki |
0xBDB76B |
DarkMagenta |
0x8B008B |
DarkOliveGreen |
0x556B2F |
Darkorange |
0xFF8C00 |
DarkOrchid |
0x9932CC |
DarkRed |
0x8B0000 |
DarkSalmon |
0xE9967A |
DarkSeaGreen |
0x8FBC8F |
DarkSlateBlue |
0x483D8B |
DarkSlateGray |
0x2F4F4F |
DarkTurquoise |
0x00CED1 |
DarkViolet |
0x9400D3 |
DeepPink |
0xFF1493 |
DeepSkyBlue |
0x00BFFF |
DimGray |
0x696969 |
DodgerBlue |
0x1E90FF |
FireBrick |
0xB22222 |
FloralWhite |
0xFFFAF0 |
ForestGreen |
0x228B22 |
Fuchsia |
0xFF00FF |
Gainsboro |
GhostWhite |
0xF8F8FF |
Gold |
0xFFD700 |
GoldenRod |
0xDAA520 |
Gray |
0x808080 |
Green |
0x008000 |
GreenYellow |
0xADFF2F |
HoneyDew |
0xF0FFF0 |
HotPink |
0xFF69B4 |
IndianRed |
0xCD5C5C |
Indigo |
0x4B0082 |
Ivory |
0xFFFFF0 |
Khaki |
0xF0E68C |
Lavender |
0xE6E6FA |
LavenderBlush |
0xFFF0F5 |
LawnGreen |
0x7CFC00 |
LemonChiffon |
LightBlue |
0xADD8E6 |
LightCoral |
0xF08080 |
LightCyan |
0xE0FFFF |
LightGoldenRodYellow |
0xFAFAD2 |
LightGreen |
0x90EE90 |
LightGrey |
0xD3D3D3 |
LightPink |
0xFFB6C1 |
LightSalmon |
0xFFA07A |
LightSeaGreen |
0x20B2AA |
LightSkyBlue |
0x87CEFA |
LightSlateGray |
0x778899 |
LightSteelBlue |
0xB0C4DE |
LightYellow |
0xFFFFE0 |
Lime |
0x00FF00 |
LimeGreen |
0x32CD32 |
Linen |
0xFAF0E6 |
Magenta |
0xFF00FF |
Maroon |
0x800000 |
MediumAquaMarine |
0x66CDAA |
MediumBlue |
0x0000CD |
MediumOrchid |
0xBA55D3 |
MediumPurple |
0x9370D8 |
MediumSeaGreen |
0x3CB371 |
MediumSlateBlue |
0x7B68EE |
MediumSpringGreen |
0x00FA9A |
MediumTurquoise |
0x48D1CC |
MediumVioletRed |
0xC71585 |
MidnightBlue |
0x191970 |
MintCream |
0xF5FFFA |
MistyRose |
0xFFE4E1 |
Moccasin |
0xFFE4B5 |
NavajoWhite |
Navy |
0x000080 |
OldLace |
0xFDF5E6 |
Olive |
0x808000 |
OliveDrab |
0x6B8E23 |
Orange |
0xFFA500 |
OrangeRed |
0xFF4500 |
Orchid |
0xDA70D6 |
PaleGoldenRod |
0xEEE8AA |
PaleGreen |
0x98FB98 |
PaleTurquoise |
PaleVioletRed |
0xD87093 |
PapayaWhip |
0xFFEFD5 |
PeachPuff |
0xFFDAB9 |
Peru |
0xCD853F |
Pink |
0xFFC0CB |
Plum |
0xDDA0DD |
PowderBlue |
0xB0E0E6 |
Purple |
0x800080 |
Red |
0xFF0000 |
RosyBrown |
0xBC8F8F |
RoyalBlue |
0x4169E1 |
SaddleBrown |
0x8B4513 |
Salmon |
0xFA8072 |
SandyBrown |
0xF4A460 |
SeaGreen |
0x2E8B57 |
SeaShell |
0xFFF5EE |
Sienna |
0xA0522D |
Silver |
0xC0C0C0 |
SkyBlue |
0x87CEEB |
SlateBlue |
0x6A5ACD |
SlateGray |
0x708090 |
Snow |
SpringGreen |
0x00FF7F |
SteelBlue |
0x4682B4 |
Tan |
0xD2B48C |
Teal |
0x008080 |
Thistle |
0xD8BFD8 |
Tomato |
0xFF6347 |
Turquoise |
0x40E0D0 |
Violet |
0xEE82EE |
Wheat |
0xF5DEB3 |
White |
WhiteSmoke |
0xF5F5F5 |
Yellow |
0xFFFF00 |
YellowGreen |
0x9ACD32 |